
This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Cheques. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Mr Lancaster in HAMPTON
Document examiner: banknotes, passports, other ID documents and credit cards, labels, tax stamps • Optical security features - holograms, DOVIDs, optically changing ink, other optically variable features
Mrs Thorndycraft-Pope in STONEHAVEN
The examination of questioned handwriting to help identify the author, e.g. wills & contracts • The examination of alterations, obliteration, etc., to help reveal the original entries, e.g. altered cheques • The detection of indented impressions to aid, e.g. in identifying the author of anonymous letters • The examination of documents to establish authenticity, e.g. security fibres • All necessary scientific equipment, e.g. stereomicroscope, VSC, Mi-Scope & ESDA

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